How to help
Thanks for taking the time to read this page.  Here are some useful and effective suggestions for Australians.
1    Bookmark this site. Visit it frequently. If you want to, set up a 'subscription' so that you keep track of changes, or select the Mind-It link on the entrance page. This ensures that you get notified by email when I edit this page. It helps me convince politicians that Australians are really interested in this topic.
2    Vote on each and every survey as it appears. Show the eventual survey results to anyone who may be influenced.
3    If you have your own Web site, put a link to my home page on your site. Encourage your readers to visit it. I have a banner here you might want to copy and paste into your page, or there is a smaller button.
4    Email your friends and encourage them to visit the site, and to help themselves.
5    Write or email your Federal MHR, your Federal Senators, and as many state politicians you think will listen, saying how much you thought the ideas in here are good and ask what they propose doing about it. Tell them this might influence your vote in the next Federal, State or Territory election. Use your own words since this will help convince them you are serious. Follow up with another letter/email when they write back to you with the usual brush-off.
6    Use the Republican Guest Book to publish your thoughts over the Internet, and give me support if I have convinced you.
7    Organize a local group (eg Lions Club, Rotary, School PTA, etc) to meet to talk about the Australian Republic, or be addressed by someone on the subject. Why not run a series?
Thank you for visiting my Australian Republic site.  I hope you found it interesting. May I encourage you to disseminate information about it as widely as possible, internationally, perhaps in ways 3, 4 and 6 above. International opinion can be influential, especially in the USA and UK but also from the countries from which many of our citizens have come and our geographical neighbors.

© Copyright  2000  AHJ Sale
Page last modified on 2000 April 24